
Everyone has crazy dreams and this
is a take on one I had. For some reason
this girl had appeared in one of my dreams.
I have no idea who she was but it inspired
me to illustrate a story. This is the story
of Scarlette, a girl everyone thinks is so
beautiful they cannot have enough of
her, but in turn this leads to her demise.

The Animated Self

This was the first self portrait I had ever done.
The assignment was to paint ourselves, but
I wanted to do a different take on it. I love pop
art and wanted to portray me but in a unique
way. I used tempra for the paint.

Le Sketch


This was another self portrait assignment that
needed to reflect the inner you. I see myself as
an introvert and this was the outcome.


The Serpent


No one is perfect. Not even some
angels. This was done with color
pencils and black sharpie marker.

Through Their Eyes

This was an abstract piece done
with water color, marker, and colored
pencils. I wanted to show how even
though everyone is so diverse and
has a different story, we have one
thing in common: existing in the
same world.


The Mona Lisa is one of the most
iconic pieces of art that has ever
existed. With that being said she
inspired me to give her a make-over.
To me, she has been depicted as
a lonely cold person, almost not even
human. I wanted to show her in a
different light. She is the modern
Mona Lisa who is in fact still human.
This was done with colored pencils
and sharpie marker.